Contemporary Classics

The Spaghetti Organisation
    The story of Oticon, the Danish hearing aid technology company, starts like that of many manufacturing companies. Founded in 1904, it was the first hearing instrument company in the world. By the 1970s, it was the number one manufacturer of behind-the-ear hearing aids in the world. But by 1974, its market share began declining as people started using in-the-ear models.
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Intellectual Capital
What is capital? In the past it could be viewed in purely physical terms – factories, machinery, and money. But in the new ideas economy it is brainpower that has become the most important factor in economic life. This is the age of intellectual capital, which we can define as the collective ideas, imagination, and know-how of an organisation.Intellectual capital is also intangible, elusive, mobile and hard to pin down.
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Work-Life Balance
Employees have got the message. In every job there is pressure to work leaner and faster and  to do so with more creativity than ever before. This is not a question of choice; it has become a prerequisite for survival.
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Innovation: Scenario Planning
One of the primary concerns for business leaders everywhere is how to minimise uncertainty. Leaders have to inspire confidence in the future success of the organisation. They also have to deliver results – whatever the prevailing market conditions. It is this expectation in the face of what everyone knows to be true about the changing world that has leaders sweating at night.
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The Balanced Scorecard
Every manager knows the mantra “what gets measured gets done” and, throughout the last century, this truism has been reflected in the development of a complex array of ratios, measures, analytical tools and software packages.